Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Springtime treat

One of my favorite parts about spring and the changing weather is that night becomes an extension of the day, and offers itself as an option for exploring.  One of my favorite things is to step outside on a spring night and feel brisk-but-still-warm air wash around me.  On these nights, I love to walk around my neighborhood, lit warmly by a few streetlights, but mainly from the glow of living room windows spilling onto the sidewalks. 

As a teen, I used to go alone, and it was a quiet time to clear my mind.  The houses all seemed like miniature scenes, all a bit different, and offering a teeny peek into another's world.  Now, I love sharing this with Mike.  The world seems to slow down, everyone tucked cozily into their houses.  For us, it's a great break from watching nightly TV shows where we simply exist in parallel.  It almost feels sneaky to be out, like curfew has long expired and we're just enjoying the quiet time spent together.

What do you look forward to with spring?

image via loptics.com

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