1. Don't mess with a good thing.
2. Love the ones who support and nurture you.
3. Don't eat a whole pulled pork sandwich and fries after having eaten lots of mexican food and cupcakes.
More on 2 and 3 later, but now, all I can think about is #1.
1. My blonde hair. I decided to try out a new stylist that was referred to me, and to say that the experience was awful is the understatement of the year. I went in asking for a subtle, natural-looking ombre to help me go longer between touchups.
Here is what I ended up with:
At this point, I was more than half-way to tears. After reassuring me that it just needed a little blending, we went to round two. When it came out looking even worse, the tears started to come. I spent a total of 7 hours in that salon, and ended up with brassy, icky-colored hair. I left exhausted, and mad that my entire day off was almost over.
It was that day that I realized just how important my hair is to me! Maybe to all girls. Anyone else have a total salon disaster? It reached me to a place where I didn't think a hair disaster could. It has made me think twice about doing anything drastic. It's also taught me to really research the person whose hands are in my hair, because if it goes wrong, there's TRAUMA before reconciliation.
The next day, a chic-looking woman walked into my store, and after talking with her a while, she said she was a stylist. She had the most amazing white-blonde hair that didn't look damaged at ALL. I trusted her after she said she does the color herself. She squeezed me in for the same day, and to say I was grateful wouldn't be enough. She brought the color back to close to where it was, but in an even more natural (and slightly ombre!) style.
She saved my bridal shower pics! (Which are to come tomorrow....)
OMG, not cool!!