Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Someone to be excited about!

It's around this time of the year that I start to dearly, dearly miss sunshine and all the good things that come with it: sunkissed shoulers, bare arms, flowing skirts, warm breezes, and COLOR.  When I close my eyes and fantasize about where I'd like to be, it involves an azure block of ocean skirted by perfect sand and green mountains.  Ya dig? 

Since none of those things are happening for me right now, I turn on my imagination and live vicariously through beautiful pieces of inspiration.  Today I "discovered" someone.  (Truth is, no blogger ever "discovers" anything, because we're all led to the cool ideas by someone else's awesome blog.)  Her name is Lele Sadoughi, who happens to be the design director of Tory Burch.  She also launched a huge J.Crew jewelry line which gives it its distinctive appeal you see today.  And, furthermore, she's the founder and creative director of her own line, Lele Sadoughi Designs.

Browsing through her pieces, here are some highlights:




The first necklace actually looks like some aquatic creature to me, and the others call upon my ever-persistent beachy daydream that makes me SO happy.  I really love the art deco flair to the last necklace.  I've always been a firm believer in the power of unique accessories.  They have the capability to turn an everyday jeans and tee combo into something straight out of Vogue.  It's the small touches that give a person style, in my opinion.  

See all of her collection and more about her here.

So, what do you think?  Would you ever wear any of these pieces? 


  1. Love the earrings and the last necklace! Very cute! and I completely agree that jewelry is very important.

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    Xo Amy

  2. I'm not a fan of the tassle necklace but I really like the earrings and the second necklace.

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