Monday, December 10, 2012

My staple skincare products

I'm a big fan of Clinique for basic skincare.  I use their 3-Step System like it's my religion.  My skin needs a ritual, or else it gets strange on me... like way oily or sudden breakouts or randomly dry in places.  To find a skincare regimen that actually works for me is like stumbling upon a gold mine.  However, no matter how great I've got it down, my skin always takes a sharp turn during the changing of seasons. 

Recently, I've noticed that my BB Cream doesn't sink in like it usually does, and I have to use more.  Thinking about it for a while, I realized that my skin wasn't getting enough moisture.  So, I went to visit my sweet friend at the Clinique counter (she's so great -- short, spunky red hair and a cancer survivor with a great story!).  She recommended this Moisture Surge Extended Thirst Relief.  She suggested I put it on after moisturizer and before makeup.  So, I did that for a while... and then I realized that it mixes awesomely with my moisturizer and BB Cream.  I make three little dots on my hand, swirl them all together, and apply with my fingers.  The Moisture Surge is packed with hydrating (but not oily!!) qualities that make everything sink in PERFECTLY.  The true test for me is if I run my fingers across my face several minutes after applying, it should feel clean and almost squeaky -- NOT slick and greasy. 

As a bonus, I got this little All About Eyes Rich cream.  I've been dabbling in the world of eye cream.  (Now being in my mid-20s it's all about prevention.)  It's super packed with moisture and I pile it on at night. 

It took about a week of diligent use of these two newbies into my repertoire, but now I feel (and see) a major difference.  No more icky breakouts!  Proof is in the pudding...  I'll hardly EVER post a bare-faced photo, but I'm happy enough with my results that I want to share!

Does your skincare routine change seasonally?  What do you have to tweak?  Any suggestions?

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