You may notice that I never wear bandage dresses with six inch heels. I don't wear tons of leather, either. I'm not really big into the billowy hippie styles, and I don't look very fabulous in short shorts. I don't wear these things because I wouldn't feel like myself if I did.
If you're wondering Who am I? it might be time to think about it! The goal of this post is to help you come up with a fashion phrase. A fashion phrase is a few key descriptive words that define you and your style. It's kind of like the title to your fashion book. It's the thesis statement to your style essay. It's the bumper sticker on your fashion bus. (Ok, I'm having too much fun.)
Begin by looking at your own clothing. What do you wear most? In which outfits do you feel the most comfortable? Look at your wardrobe. Do you notice a lot of one style? Perhaps you have an impressive collection of linen buttondowns, or your closet takes on a hazy shade of grey. Maybe you have lots of peasant tops, or mainly cotton. If your clothes are spread out amongst your closet, drawers, maybe even some in a different room, spend some time getting everything into a single space and evaluate. You might want to jot down three or four words that tend to encompass all of your clothes. For me, it's cotton, solid colors (some bright), and kind of classic/basic. If you scroll back through my outfit posts, you'll see what I mean.
Now, think about your style icons. Who are they? A celebrity? A woman on your street? Your cousin? What specifically about their style do you like? Here are some of my examples:
"Classic, polished, and simple with a touch of fun."
The "touch of fun" part comes in handy especially when choosing accessories. I have a lot of colorful pieces that bring life to my simple wardrobe. And that's the way I like it!
After you find your fashion phrase (or it finds you), try writing it out on a little card that you can take with you when you go clothes shopping. You might also find it helpful to place it somewhere you can see while getting dressed in the morning.
Happy fashion phrasing!
Fun post! I definitely need to work on my fashion phrase!